What' s happening with abusive and inappropriate sexual behaviour among Year 7 & 8 students ? A survey of teachers 2007 Report for WellStop Inc .


WellStop Inc. contracted researchers at the Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, to survey teachers in the Wellington region in 2007, to find out teachers' experiences with and views on inappropriate and abusive sexual behaviour among Year 7 and 8 students (about 11 and 12 years of age). A focus group of five teachers and telephone interviews with nine teachers provided background material for a postal survey of teachers. The survey response rate was 49%. Most of the 143 respondents were women (71%); over 30 years of age (87%); and nearly half had taught for over 10 years. Responses came from teachers in a range of school types: 69 teachers were currently at full Primary schools and 67 at Intermediate schools.

Health Services Research
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